
CoreGreen’s vision is to create added human and social value by incorporating CorporateSocial Responsibility into all our activities.Our approach will be built upon a holistic view, transparency and an open dialogue with our stake-holders.

We see CSR as the business contribution to sustainable development. We plan to achieve this by managing operations in a way to enhance economic growth, increase competitiveness and at the same time ensuring environmental protection and promoting social rights.

We provide scholarships to the worker’s and their children.

We believe education and training constitute an integral part of the social dialogue in the companies.

We actively support, sports and cultural activities in the surrounding areas.

We work hand-in-hand with all the entities involved in environmental management of sugar cane.

We implement voluntary minimum standards in a number of areas such as -

Human Rights -- Coregreen is against all discrimination. We promote equal opportunities and equal treatment for men andwomen of all regions.

Education, vocational and life long training – Empower employees by providing them withthe best possible skills and abilities in order to develop theirindividual potential to themaximum.

Health and Safety – We undertake specific safety procedures and policies, tailor-made for the sugarindustry.

Fair Pay and working conditions – We will adhere to fair practices towards pay and working conditions in the plant.